price of bitcoin cash

Bitcoin cash rate on other exchanges

The price of bitcoin cash was traded today Friday 19 April with 482 dollars on the Binance exchange and 32,235,351 Rials on the Nobitext exchange. Currently, bitcoin cash is at the 15 rank of the currency table has a market value of 9,458,576,723 dollars.
In the last hour 0.48 has increase and in the last night 0.31 decrease and also in the last week 7.46 decrease percent was facing.

32,235,351 IRR
calculation with Tether rate: 66,925 Toman

about bitcoin cash

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is an early competitor to Bitcoin (BTC) that emerged from a 2017 hard fork led by Roger, one of Bitcoin's early investors.
In the world of digital currencies, a hard fork is a process in which a blockchain intervenes to create a token with new features and capabilities.

For example, if a person is against the rules of digital currencies or has encountered problems with the changes that take place in the blockchain network of a digital currency and the software that works in that network, the solution to these problems is to update or create a new blockchain, so-called It is called a fork.

While BCH was built to outperform Bitcoin in terms of transaction speed, its growing ecosystem and value has attracted a large crowd of investors around the world.
The main features of Bitcoin Cash make this coin a long-term store of value and a very effective medium of exchange. These two important features combine with the decentralized and open nature of the protocol to make Bitcoin Cash (the network) a way to support and increase economic freedom in the crypto world.

bitcoin cash details


# 15

bitcoin cash price

$ 481.67

changes 1 hour


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Market Cap

$ 9,458,576,723.488


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