last update : 13:25
The price of Turkmenistani Manat today, Sunday 5 January 2025, is in the 228,400 Rial market, which has decrease 1,300 Rials (0.57 percentage) compared to the previous day. Each unit of Turkmenistani Manat is sold at the price of 229,700 Rials.
Purchase price in Turkmenistani Manats | 219,300 IRR | 0.57% |
Selling price in Turkmenistani Manats | 228,400 IRR | 0.57% |
USD to Turkmenistani Manat | 3.5 |
Calculator Turkmenistani Manat to Iranian Toman
1 Turkmenistani Manat is equal to 22,840 Iranian Toman
Today, Turkmenistani Manat has faced a price decrease in the open market like yesterday, the price of Turkmenistani Manat, which yesterday reached 229,700 with a decrease of 1400 Rials, today Sunday 5 January 2025 reached 228,400 with a decrease of 1300 Rials (0.57cent).The highest price of Turkmenistani Manat in the last 24 hours was 230,100 Rials and the lowest price was 228,400 Rials. The current price of Turkmenistani Manat shows the percentage of decrease compared to last week 0.52. Also, the price of each unit of Turkmenistani Manat has increased by 35.39 percent in the last six months.