last update : 03:25
The price of Istanbul dollar today, Thursday 23 January 2025, is in the 829,500 Rial market, which has increase 1,000 Rials (0.12 percentage) compared to the previous day. Each unit of Istanbul dollar is sold at the price of 828,500 Rials.
Purchase price in Istanbul Dollars | 824,500 IRR | 0% |
Selling price in Istanbul Dollars | 829,500 IRR | 0% |
Calculator Istanbul Dollar to Iranian Toman
1 Istanbul Dollar is equal to 82,950 Iranian Toman
Today, Istanbul dollar has faced a price increase in the open market like yesterday, the price of Istanbul dollar, which reached 828,500 yesterday with an increase of 14500 Rials, today Thursday 23 January 2025 reached 829,500 with an increase of 1000 Rials (0.12cent).The highest price of Istanbul dollar in the last 24 hours was 829,500 Rials and the lowest price was 829,500 Rials. The current price of Istanbul dollar shows the percentage of increase compared to last week 2.92. Also, the price of each unit of Istanbul dollar has increased by 41.43 percent in the last six months.