On this page, you can view the archive of the price of Bahraini Dinar in Tomans and also the archive of the price of Bahraini Dinar in dollars. We have taken a lot of effort to collect the archive of Bahraini Dinar price in Toman and we have tried to use various sources that sometimes do not exist at the moment and provide you with the most complete archive of Bahraini Dinar price in Toman that can be collected from the sites.
The price of Bahraini Dinar today, Monday 10 February 2025, is in the 2,469,500 Rial market, which has increase 84,000 Rials (3.52 percentage) compared to the previous day. Each unit of Bahraini Dinar is sold at the price of 2,385,500 Rials.Go to the page below to see the current price of Bahraini Dinar Current price of Bahraini Dinar