The price of Monero was traded today Tuesday 29 October with 0 dollars on the Binance exchange and 0 Rials on the Nobitext exchange. Currently, Monero is at the 28 rank of the currency table has a market value of 3,036,753,823 dollars.
In the last hour 0.54 has decrease and in the last night 1.24 increase and also in the last week 6.03 increase percent was facing.
Monero or XMR is one of the most popular digital currencies in the blockchain field today. This cryptocurrency started as an open source blockchain with privacy protection.
Despite the fact that the function of blockchain technology shares all the transactions made in its public ledger for network users, the Monero blockchain has considered a high security infrastructure to create untraceable and identifiable transactions. Monero's main approach is to protect user privacy and create an equal opportunity for everyone to run their programs.
This blockchain is purposely built in such a way that it hides all 3 parts of every transaction so that the sender obfuscates his identity through ring signatures. In the meantime, the amount sent through RingCT is hidden and the receiver can hide his identity through hidden addresses.
Monero uses XMR as its currency. Therefore, it provides the possibility to hide important details of the transaction such as the identity of the recipient and the sender and the transaction amount. The anonymity of transactions ultimately makes the blockchain more secure.
Over the years, Monero has gained a reputation as the cryptocurrency of choice on the darknet, as its strong privacy and anonymity features surpass those of most cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin (BTC).
# 28
Monero price
$ 0
changes 1 hour
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Market Cap
$ 3,036,753,822.694