price of shiba ino

Shiba ino rate on other exchanges

The price of shiba ino was traded today Thursday 25 April with 0 dollars on the Binance exchange and 1,593 Rials on the Nobitext exchange. Currently, shiba ino is at the 11 rank of the currency table has a market value of 14,762,828,511 dollars.
In the last hour 0.32 has increase and in the last night 7.26 decrease and also in the last week 14.97 increase percent was facing.

1,593 IRR
calculation with Tether rate: 63,772 Toman

about shiba ino

Shiba digital currency modeled after Dogecoin was introduced as its replacement. This digital currency works with the ERC20 algorithm and was made famous by a person named Yurshi. This currency is an ethereum-based token that, due to its low initial price, has gained a popular position among many investors to the point where we often face unprecedented price increases of such tokens.
The digital asset is inspired by the Japanese dog breed of the same name, which sparked a viral meme trend in 2013 and led to the creation of a digital currency called Dogecoin.
The Shiba Inu, along with Dogecoin and hundreds of pet-inspired digital assets, are known in the industry as "memecoins."

Unlike Dogecoin, which is native to the blockchain, the Shiba Inu cryptocurrency is a token on the Ethereum blockchain, and this is an important distinction in buying and selling digital currency. Typically, a memecoin offers less utility compared to more established cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ether.
Memes include a group of jokes and images shared on social networks that are designed over time based on a certain situation or trend. Hence, the main purpose of memes is based on jokes and laughter.
As the name of meme coins suggests, they are digital currencies whose origin is closely related to internet memes. For example, Dogecoin, the most famous meme coin in the market, was originally inspired by the popular shiba dog meme and a joke on the nature of Bitcoin.

shiba ino details


# 11

shiba ino price

$ 0.025

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Market Cap

$ 14,762,828,511.234


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