price of matic

Matic rate on other exchanges

The price of matic was traded today Thursday 18 April with 1 dollars on the Binance exchange and 45,942 Rials on the Nobitext exchange. Currently, matic is at the 17 rank of the currency table has a market value of 6,778,489,955 dollars.
In the last hour 2.71 has increase and in the last night 1.24 decrease and also in the last week 22.24 decrease percent was facing.

45,942 IRR
calculation with Tether rate: 67,374 Toman

about matic

The MATIC token is an Ethereum-based alternative coin that allows the Polygon network to provide a scalable solution to issues such as high transaction fees and low speeds. This functional cryptocurrency is used to pay transaction fees and participate in the consensus process. Metic is currently a digital currency with the ERC20 standard.

As the Ethereum blockchain regularly experiences high transaction volumes, it becomes overworked, resulting in lower performance with higher fees. Hence, Polygon aims to improve the user experience by providing a Layer 2 (L2) scalability solution for the Ethereum blockchain. With the help of smart contracts, Ethereum can be converted into MATIC coins, enabling the scalable Ethereum ecosystem. In February 2021, the Matic Network was renamed Polygon and launched as a platform for building interconnected Ethereum-based blockchain networks.

matic details


# 17

matic price

$ 0.682

changes 1 hour


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Market Cap

$ 6,778,489,955.09


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