price of litecoin

Litecoin rate on other exchanges

The price of litecoin was traded today Friday 19 April with 81 dollars on the Binance exchange and 5,437,525 Rials on the Nobitext exchange. Currently, litecoin is at the 20 rank of the currency table has a market value of 6,039,180,488 dollars.
In the last hour 0.64 has increase and in the last night 2.61 increase and also in the last week 17.3 decrease percent was facing.

5,437,525 IRR
calculation with Tether rate: 67,272 Toman

about litecoin

Litecoin (LTC) entered the digital world as the first digital currency of blockchain technology to maintain a high volume of transactions in a much shorter period of time.
This currency came to the aid of the crypto market in the evolution of Bitcoin and by solving an important problem to make transactions faster than the Bitcoin blockchain.

Litecoin is one of the largest peer-to-peer (P2P) digital currencies in terms of market capitalization, following its online currency predecessors and competitors such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple to ultimately provide users with easy and secure virtual payments worldwide. to give Also, this coin uses blockchain technology to track all transactions in a decentralized and public ledger.

Like Bitcoin, Litecoin runs on an open source blockchain that is not controlled by any central authority. Each Litecoin node has a copy of each blockchain to match new transactions with its transaction history and avoid inconsistencies.
Miners help process new transactions by including them in newly mined blocks. Litecoin can be used to buy services or pay for goods online.

litecoin details


# 20

litecoin price

$ 80.83

changes 1 hour


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Market Cap

$ 6,039,180,488.341


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