price of cardano

Cardano rate on other exchanges

The price of cardano was traded today Saturday 27 July with 0 dollars on the Binance exchange and 24,429 Rials on the Nobitext exchange. Currently, cardano is at the 10 rank of the currency table has a market value of 15,007,592,683 dollars.
In the last hour 0.06 has increase and in the last night 6.32 increase and also in the last week 4.73 decrease percent was facing.

24,429 IRR
calculation with Tether rate: 58,527 Toman

about cardano

Cardano is one of the largest digital currencies in terms of market value, which entered the field with the aim of evolving the first and second generation of digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. As Ethereum struggled with scalability, high transaction fees and cryptocurrency transfer times, Cardano came in as a feverish third generation to combat these challenges.
This cryptocurrency enables the development of a wide range of decentralized financial applications, new crypto tokens and games with a blockchain that is a flexible, stable and scalable platform for executing smart contracts.

However, as of March 2021, the smart contract functionality is not yet available to developers. It has made Cardano one step closer to its goal of providing a robust, highly secure, scalable and highly efficient blockchain platform.

The Ethereum ETH blockchain is very similar to native digital currency. Cardano's native blockchain digital currency is ADA, which can be bought and sold through exchanges such as Coinbase.
Today, ADA can be used to store value (perhaps as part of your investment portfolio), to send and receive payments, bet, and pay transaction fees on the Cardano network.
The Cardano blockchain allows people with small payments to create smart contracts, create decentralized applications and protocols, and experience instant sending and receiving of funds. Like several other tokens, the Cardano utility token ADA is recognized as a valuable currency, but it differs from other cryptocurrencies in its functionality.

cardano details


# 10

cardano price

$ 0.417

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Market Cap

$ 15,007,592,682.798


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